LEEA Lock Door Box (Montessori Inspired)

30 (Run out soon)

Opening compartments fitted with four different latches provides ample opportunity to use the pincer grasp and wrist movement. Dropping a small object through the round opening and finding it later by opening a door teaches the child the object permanence principle - an object does not disappear even though it is not in sight anymore. Hiding a familiar object in the box and letting the child guess what it is by only touching it by inserting their hand through the round opening is a fun activity that develops the sensory skills, space perception and stereognosis.

Product Description

Opening compartments fitted with four different latches provides ample opportunity to use the pincer grasp and wrist movement. Dropping a small object through the round opening and finding it later by opening a door teaches the child the object permanence principle - an object does not disappear even though it is not in sight anymore. Hiding a familiar object in the box and letting the child guess what it is by only touching it by inserting their hand through the round opening is a fun activity that develops the sensory skills, space perception and stereognosis.

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